Don't hack in peak hours / days.On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I suggest going legit these days because GM's are much more likely too be on. Hot-spot channels are usually 1, 2, 3, 4, and 19. This can usually decrease your chances of getting auto-banned or perm-banned.4.
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Confirm which hacks auto-ban.Before you download a hack or bot, always check the posts after to see what others had to say about it. Most legits like to black mail hackers Example: "Give me mesos or ill report you"3. The best thing to do when a legit finds you hacking is just change channels. Many times, hacker befriend legits who saw them hacking. Find your own spot and don't tell anyone else.2. I see this a lot with newer hackers, they try a new hack in public areas (HHG1, FM, Henesys Etc.)Especially if you're KoC DeM or other hack, its recommended you do not go where many other hackers are. Never hack in public / high traffic areas. Well this thread will hopefully decrease your likeliness of getting banned.If you follow these five steps your chances of getting banned will decrease.1.